Cowboys aint easy to lerrve......
And they're harder to hold........ I sometimes think that the history of civilization as we know it has been the battle between Cowpokes and Sodbusters......... from the time when wandering bands of hunter gatherers roamed the wildwood and preyed on fledgling farmers raising stock and growing corn... men have always been torn between settling down to found a dynasty...and saddling up ...riding out...jumping a train...riding the rails... Hey...In The Magnificent Seven..the kid says "Our fathers are cowards Senor".... before a gunslinger( Charles Bronson?) welts his ass and tells him that struggling to raise crops and kids is the real bravery. Yeah..but tonight is one of those ride on outta town times... as the poet says..." Freedom's just another word for nuthin' left to lose..." ( Kristofferson)
Yeah,but feeling good was good enough for me.(and ,by the way)good enough for me ,and my Bobby Magee,
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