Fox Hunting
I've always been totally opposed to Fox hunting...and like many people, dismayed that banning it has taken so long. The recent shenanigans in Parliament have caused a few folks to ask...Why the fuss about hunting when there's a war going on in Iraq?
Well... a lot of parliamentary time has been taken up...but...I see no evidence that that time could or would have been used to debate Iraq. has to ask..why so much time was needed? I can do no better than quote League Against Cruel Sports chairperson John Cooper.........
"The elected House of Commons has 10 times voted overwhelmingly for a ban on the cruelty of hunting with dogs and each time the ban-supported by three quarters of the British public -was blocked by the unelected House of Lords"
Cruelty is insidious, it begins with childish curiosity... what happens if you pull the wings off a fly?...grows through playground bullying of those who are different....and step by step rises to the obscenities of Abu Graib . Not too far beyond that level lies the total de-personalisation of one's enemies and licence to torture or gas.............
I agree whole-heartedly with you chook! Fox hunting is barbaric. The House of Lords whose members are not elected by the people should not have any say in this matter nor indeed in any other aspect of the running of the country. The Lords themselves are bound to be pro-hunting anyway.
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