Still alive
Sorry not to have posted for so long. I AM alive and kicking...and rather lost the will to Blog.... a sort of feeling of "what's the point?" I either get dopey spam about great share opportunities or preach to the converted in my readership of chums....or preach to the perverted in the case of Tony from Oz. I would like to repeat though that if you have a taste for poetry without frills straight from the heart....visit Tony's blog....some excellent stuff there.
Meanwhile John Reid feels UK troops are hampered in handling terrorists by outdated stuffy old rules and regulations like the Geneva Convention...which barely mentions the fun that can be had by suspending prisoners over buckets of excrement or terrifying them with vicious dogs or baking...boiling..starving...freezing them etc....all part of the march of freedom...the triumph of democracy .... onward Christian soldiers etc................
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