Friday, July 22, 2005

We stood and watched............

I've noted before some of the loathsome practices used against detainees in Guantanamo and elsewhere...more come to light almost daily.the man who was hung from the ceiling and beaten by all who passed.. bobbing a man's head in a bucket of excrement.... shackling prisoners' wrists to their ankles for days on end called "temperature control and dietary modification" ie keeping them in sweltering hot conditions then switching to body numbing freezing cells...starving them...feeding weevil infested's other word will do.... evil.
We quibble...well Rumsfeld does...can this be torture..? No scalpels...but a relentless use of pain and suffering to make people do what their tormentors want of them. And relentless means just that...years and years for the folks in Guantanamo........ their minds are steadily being destroyed in the name of freedom and democracy.......
Read the stuff about how visiting Senators happily watched interrogations which were using approved reading Harry Potter to an Afghan muslim prisoner for two hours non stop until he turned his head and screamed for peace........sounds stupid...sounds like Monty f*cking Python... but imagine it...imagine some oaf reading you the Koran or whatever in Arabic hour after hour right in your face...and you've been there years and years....It is brainwashing ...the attempt to completely turn your mind....scramble your say it isn't torture. How we loved it when the Chinese did it in Korea.
Try to imagine ....what if the Arab world were actually stronger militarily than the west..... suppose the Arabs invaded Canada...or Australia to bring about regime change..........suppose our white Christian brothers and sisters were being tortured on some island hell-hole off the coast of Iran or Saudi Arabia.....maybe in order to maintain law and order it might be necessary to bomb a city or two...blow up a hospital ..kill babies...maim old folks...all accidentally of course.... suppose the Arab leaders claimed it was all a bit sad but necessary...that the torturers were a few rotten apples...that things happen in war... and suppose you realised that in reality they didn't give a f*cking s**it for the inferior white trash they were torturing...... that they felt they had the right to do what the hell they liked and walk over anyone who got in the way....... I guess you'd feel bad..I guess you'd feel impotent......... I guess you just might even think about fighting couldn't defeat them and save your brothers and sisters in open battle... they had all the guns.... so maybe just maybe...some of you...maybe only a few..but some...would consider making explosives and maybe strapping them onto yourself and going looking for a chance to strike back......... another unspeakable evil...but a big suprise..? I think not.


Blogger tonyfromwindsor said...

Wow Richard,you're really pissed at this one,and , I can't say I disagree,it all sounds horrible and yes,if turned around we would not like it,and we probably would fight back in the exact same way,with the only means we have,as do these people---I've spoken before re torture,and we have differences of opinion on torture,but if all is as stated by you in your hard hitting article,its time to reflect and change direction,but I think we're all in a little too deep to just turn around--and I wouldn't mind betting if there was a way of doing it without losing face they would---Good hard hitting stuff Richard,you obviously feel what you said.

12:44 AM  

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