Sunday, November 20, 2005

Carter speaks out

Jimmy Carter...often lampooned when in office has done so much for world peace and understanding since leaving he speaks out about the changing face of America and his fears for the future....

Of even greater concern is that the US has repudiated the Geneva accords and supported the use of torture in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, and secretly through proxy regimes elsewhere with the so-called extraordinary rendition programme. It is embarrassing to see the President and Vice President insisting that the CIA should be free to perpetrate 'cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment' on people in US custody.

Members of Congress have increased their own pay by $30,000 per year since freezing the minimum wage at $5.15 per hour (the lowest among industrialised nations).

I am extremely concerned by a fundamentalist shift in many houses of worship and in government, as church and state have become increasingly intertwined in ways previously thought unimaginable.

As the world's only superpower, America should be seen as the unswerving champion of peace, freedom and human rights. Our country should be the focal point around which other nations can gather to combat threats to international security and to enhance the quality of our common environment. We should be in the forefront of providing human assistance to people in need.

It is time for the deep and disturbing political divisions within our country to be substantially healed, with Americans united in a common commitment to revive and nourish the historic political and moral values that we have promoted during the last 230 years.


Blogger tonyfromwindsor said...

I think its amazing some of the wisdom that ex presidents seem to aquire when out of office--Carter has done some great work over the years,that he didn't seem capable of whilst in office--we see the same with Clinton also--great work in peace keeping and aid projects.I just wonder what the President of the moment might do once out of office---maybe magis tricks at old peoples homes,or reading fairy tales at kindergartens.

1:54 PM  

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