....and on the causes of crime
an excellent thought provoking article from the Guardian . A scorching indictment of the way in which we deal with young offenders. I see plenty of them through my work and can only nod sadly in agreement. It will come as no suprise to anyone reading my Blog though to hear that I personally load a major chunk of the blame on our school system. When young people lash out seemingly mindlessly at bus shelters...cars..shop windows...whatever...it is often a misplaced way of getting back at some idiot teacher who humiliated them and a system which makes this almost inevitable. Lots of other causes...abuse..lack of love..parental support...but kids first become aware of "them" " the enemy" authority which is against all you stand for....your way of life on the estate...your clothes..your practical skills...your lack of knowledge of Wind in the bloody Willows.........at school.